Saturday, October 1, 2011

A winter heating tip from Sullivan Heating and Cooling

 You’ve probably heard it before…”have your heating system serviced and maintained” and it goes in one ear and out the other.  But it’s true… there are benefits.  What are they? It saves you money! A properly maintained system will last you longer, prevent 53% of breakdowns, and cost you less money to operate. A system becomes less efficient and reliable throughout the years, this inefficiency costs you more money in increased utility and repair bills. These costs can be avoided with an annual tune-up and combustion analysis performed by Sullivan Heating and Cooling, and the tune-up will pay for itself! Help keep down skyrocketing fuel costs, Save money and take the guess work out of your systems safety & efficiency, call Sullivan Heating and Cooling and get your system tuned-up by October 31 and you’ll get their guarantee that if your system breaks down anytime in that heating season, there is no charge to come back out. Call Sullivan Heating and Cooling at 608-8139 to get your heating system serviced by local factory trained technicians, the best in the business. And to work around your hectic schedule, evening and weekend services are no extra charge!

Call Sullivan Heating and Cooling today at 608-8139 or visit us at


  1. Do not heat any unnecessary rooms. Close and seal heat registers and air returns. Be sure to whether-strip doors to these less-heated areas. Learn more about furnace repair Greenwood Indiana

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